Saturday, February 26, 2011


So I'm gonna take another shot at mapping out my life and this time I'm gonna just let it flood out as it comes rather than just a list. This is probably gonna get pretty convoluted. So anyway here goes.
Starting at the top, Locations. Places I've lived. So there's been a few. I was born a grew up in Springfield Massachusetts. That's pretty far from Texas, and pretty different too. I lived in a small city, kinda an urban setting. So I'm definitely more city boy than country boy, but I've lived in both. When I was 20 I went on a mission for my church to South Korea. I spent 3 months living in a training center in Utah before I left. In Korea I lived in five different cities, or towns. One really big one, Daejeon. Two kinda middle sized cities, Asan(Onyang), and Chungju. And then Two pretty small little country towns, Naju and Heongseong. So I lived over there for just short of 2 years. Went back to Springfield for another 2 years, then I moved down here to Texas. And if you wanna know why i came down here to Sam, I'll tell you what I've told everyone else who's asked; I have no idea, I just did. So here I am now.
So my Life is kinda split into 3 parts there. Massachusetts Korea and Texas. Who knows where I'll go from here.
Now my family has always been a really big influence on my life. In a physical sense because Ive been around them more than anyone else. In a emotional sense because they were the only ones I'd really talk to about what I was thinking about, but still I kept most of it to myself. Socially, I was extremely shy and introverted when I was younger, so I didn't deal with many other people outside of my immediate family. I still hardly know my extended family at all, and I dont really have a drive to. Spiritually, because of the way I was raised. That has been the biggest influence on my life, as you can probably tell from me serving for 2 years for my church in a foreign country. I was raised Mormon, which is really family centered. The most interesting thing about my relationships is that the moment I leave them, its as if they don't exist anymore. I hardly talk with my family now, and it doesn't really bother me. I don't get homesick, I don't miss people, I just move on. Doesn't really sound all that nice I know but thats how I am now.
I was introverted and shy and quiet but I'm not really like that anymore, so the relationships I have now are alot different than when I was growing up. I like making an idiot out of myself more. I basically act like a teenager now. I'm kinda mature but not.
So lets just go straight into the biggest influence in my life now. That would be religion. So like I said I was born and raised Mormon all my life and I still go to church every week. Lately though I'm more Mormon-ish than Mormon. I'm kinda atheist now too. So yeah, that's an odd combo there. Now my religion has always been the guiding force in my life. That's how i made most decisions. I did or didn't do stuff as my religion dictated. And Mormon principals are pretty strict so there's a lot of stuff I haven't done. So if we're looking at this all in a mapping sense, we just got to the end of the page and flipped it over. Its all blank here now, but there's still all that stuff on the other side, and ya never know, we might end up over there again. But for now its blind sailing. Time to explore and test a little bit. That's why I've been thinking about a lot of questions in life and art's a great way to explore.
So all these mapping questions I don't have a lot of answers for them now, but I've got a lot of questions. I don't know my limitations if I'm not setting them, I don't know what to dream for cause I don't know what I can reach. So things are pretty positive while at the same time they're pretty negative. Its like a roller-coaster, and who doesn't love those. The goal right now is just to finish school and make something of my life. Big Happy family and all that jazz. Animation is the career I'm shooting at, but I don't know what part. I'm mostly exploring that all right now, along with the rest of art, and I love it all. I don't know what I'm good at cause I haven't tried enough things yet. I just keep learning new things and I wanna try them. I'm a little old for that maybe, but who cares? I say just screw it. Things'll either work out or they won't, and hey there's plenty of stuff I like doing in this world, I can find a way to be happy. I just like making things. I don't care what. I don't care how. Art, cooking, building, whatever. I'll do anything, and I've tried a lot. I've put my hand to a few different trade schools here and there. nothing formal, just what I can pick up from anyone willing to teach me.
So I have no idea where this was really going but there's some of my ideas on me. Guess that's what blogs are for.

1 comment:

  1. maybe it's a map of answers (first phase of life or first page/front)and of all your questions (now as you move in uncharted territory...if your dreams and visions aren't strickly dictated by the church currently; what might the dreams and visions god simply built into you be? that will create a lot of questions...)

    a map of questions perhaps...questions you were asking at different times in your life?
