Thursday, January 20, 2011

Newspaper Fashion
The Project on the first day of class was pretty interesting, basically it was a newspaper fashion show, complete with a runway. The overall concept was making an aspect of either a nightmare or a fantasy out of newspaper, that would be able to describe what you were totally by the visual appearance. I wound up going the direction of a gladiator, making armor for my left arm, and I completed the ensemble with the obligatory gladiator skirt, which i guess could've thrown off the gender aspect of my piece. A slight wardrobe malfunction caused someone to suggest I was a stripper, which could've worked as well i guess.
It was really interesting seeing the ideas that everyone else came up with. There was very little repetition in the ideas people had which was nice to see. And for the most part I thought that the ideas were really good. I was particularly impressed by those few who acted out a scene. I hadn't thought of doing anything of the sort, and it really made their work pop, and made it memorable. Nick blowing his confetti brains out was particularly interesting and i think that was my favorite of the group.

1 comment:

  1. concur on Nick's being most memorable with the confetti brain blowout!
